Monday, September 10, 2012

Fall Team 2012

Just thought I'd add some names and details :)
These last few churches have had difficult internet, so I haven't been able to 
update the blog. Look for more updates soon!


Team Captains

                                                          Jessica Graf

                                                     Leanna Jeager
                                                       . . . . . . . .

  Looking Forward to a great Semester!


  1. Thank you for posting the pic! Great to see everyone! I absolutely LOVE the family pic on the top of your blog! How can I get a copy? :-) Miss you all! Love you!

  2. Valparaiso is where I first attended a War of Special Forces!! Won't say how long ago!! I enjoy keeping up with your team and ministry!! Praying for you all!
    Amanda (Harvey) Ellinger
