Friday, July 6, 2012

Deep Sea Fishing

On Thursday Pastor Segar took us fishing on his boat, it was a lot of fun!


We caught a lot of these sea monkey fish, they weren't very good to eat though
so we had to throw them all back

Pastor Sagar was so kind in taking off the fish and doing all the dirty work ;) 

                        We really wanted to catch a flounder to eat but none of the ones we caught were big enough to pass the regulation :(  This one was the biggest we caught.

Janna caught a baby flounder

                                              We caught this spider crab nibbling our bait

                                These starfish were on clam shells that got stuck on our hooks

                                                 Hermit crabs we picked up on the beach

                                       These bluefish were the only fish we kept for food

Last Week in NYC!

Bible Baptist Church with Pastor Barker

      This is the pillar in the front of the church, the hole is from a bullet that killed a man                      
 in a drive-by shooting. :(

Moments is a night club next door that gave us plenty of noise on the nights it was open!


                                                               Children's meetings :)

The kids this week were really good singers, so they sang some of 
our children's meetings songs for the Friday night service. 

This is the 7 days of creation song, the kids did a great job!

                             Here we are at the Stop 20 Diner, if you visit  Pastor Barker most likely
                                                             you will eat at this place!

Nissi played the piano for us this week since we didn't have 
a piano player with us, we had a great time getting to know her!

Pastor Jimmy Victorino is a missionary visiting NY from the Philippines, he is a great 
painter and painted these pictures for us.